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148 Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Is Off to a Rocky Start

Episode Summary

And the quest to beat every Mario Maker level in existence.

Episode Notes

"Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection" contains the two original games fans have been salivating over for decades. They look great. They run great. So why does everyone hate them?

Plus, a group of "Mario Maker" enthusiasts are attempting to beat all 41,000 player-created levels in the entire game before Nintendo shuts down the Wii U servers in April. And they're already 99% there, with only the most dastardly levels remaining. Will they succeed?

Colette shares an update on her "Persona 3: Reloaded" progress, "Unicorn Overlord" is still awesome (cheesy dialogue aside), and we both gape in wonder at the indie dopamine factory known as "Bore Blasters."